SP Blog

PostgreSQL on the rise

Even PostgreSQL is more than 37 years old, it still gains popularity. The thing is that it is not a cummulative result, but PG gained more popularity in DB-engines ranking in 2023 than any of the other 417 monitored systems. Snowflake, the winner of 2021 and 2022, is not in top 3 this year, leaving the stage to Databricks and Google Big Query.

Geek time

I usually dedicate Fridays to some deep focus work, and sometimes I spend it writing some content - blog posts, written narratives, and more. This time my geek time expanded to Christmas and New Year holidays and I enjoyed researching and writing about PostgreSQL and AI. I hope you enjoy the read.
2023 was the year of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A lot of companies are thinking about how they can improve user experience with AI, and the most usual first step is to use company data (internal docs, ticketing systems, etc.) to answer customer questions faster and (or) automatically.
In the blog post I try to create an AI Expert by using Percona blog posts and documentation as the source (context) for intelligence and pgvector to store embeding. It turns out it is possible, but there is more work to do.
This one is more geeky and focused on a narrow user problem - PostgreSQL on Kubernetes - which storage should I choose and how to configure it properly. The thing is, that with the wealth of storage options and its configuration parameters, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Be smart.
2024-01-09 22:39 Tech Product